The Cherry on the cake

Author: Martina Miciecki, Mentoring Team Switzerland

Do you know that animated graphic in the LinkedIn feed where the cherry falls on the icing?


This graphic appears when someone posts a new job or position on the profile. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that this graphic has appeared on numerous LinkedIn profiles, with people proudly and enthusiastically announcing their new challenge. Conversely, this also means that numerous employees left their employer unless they were promoted internally – which very few were. Other profiles stated that they would like a change after XY years, it is not yet clear what and where and these people want to take a break first. Where does this job escape come from? How can you reduce fluctuation in your team?

I don’t know the personal reasons for each of these individuals on LinkedIn leavin their job. But in conversations with colleagues in the industry as well as my customers and former employees from my management days, I can hear that a lot has changed for them in the world of work.

There are reasons for changing jobs like

a) Home office is reduced:
Employers are increasingly calling their people back to the office and introducing fixed attendance times. Some think it’s great because they can exchange ideas with their colleagues again and physically put their heads together. The others less, because they now have to deduct the commute from their “quality time”. In addition, some feel restricted by the order and had come to appreciate the flexibility of working from home. Signs of fatigue: there is still understaffing in many sectors. The hard core that persevered is drained and tired. They simply need a break because they can no longer do it. They are not only exhausted physically but also mentally.

b) Potential is not seen:
some want to take on more responsibility and get involved, but are held back or their potential is not seen. In the long run this is frustrating and just as exhausting as overexertion. Lack of appreciation: I hear very often that everyday life is returning, but no appreciation is shown for the additional burden on individual employees. Especially those who have really sacrificed themselves are overlooked. It’s back to normal now. A pat on the back and off we go.


Reduce turnover

The fact is, the market is reorganizing itself. Companies are required to rethink and improve their recruiting, but also their corporate culture. It is also important to ensure that employees feel comfortable. I recommend that you, as a manager, stay in touch with your employees and ask questions regularly – and I don’t mean once a year at the annual or quality appraisal – such as:

  • What do you like most about your work?
  • Do you have strengths that remain unused? Where would you want to use these?
  • Is there anything you don’t want to do anymore in the future?
  • Is there a task that you really want to take on in the future? Which one would that be?
  • What do you like best about our team/company?
  • What do you miss most in the team/company?
  • What would you specifically improve?
  • What would have to happen for you to stay with us in the team/company for a long time?
  • What wish do you have for me as your supervisor/teamleader/boss?
  • What question should I ask you (again) at our next meeting?

You can only act and take countermeasures in good time if you have your finger on the pulse of your employees. And thus reduce the fluctuation in your team.