The AICR understands the vital importance of learning and development within the hospitality sector. To support its members in reaching their potential and achieving their professional goals, the AICR International offers a range of educational services focused on providing value for members across the globe. AICREducation was founded to serve members’ educational needs, doing so through a focused strategy comprised of three parts: The Leadership Certificate, Workshops/Training and Mentoring.
The Leadership Certificate
Launched in 2017 to provide an industry-wide recognised accreditation, the AICR Leadership Certificate, has been expertly designed with the challenges of Front Office Leadership in mind. It is aimed at those working already in a Supervisory/Management Position within Front Office looking to upskill and elevate their professional practice.
Workshops & Training
A selection of virtual and in-person during the International congress and training courses are available to members throughout the year organized by AICR International or the individual AICR country sections. During the AICR International Congress, a number of leadership and industry-related workshops and trainings are available to all congress attendees free of charge. AICREducation works closely with industry experts and partners to fine-tune a relevant and varied programme of educational highlights.
The future of the AICR, and hospitality industry, lies in the hands of junior members and younger industry friends. AICR nurtures younger talent through its mentoring offering, through which experienced members embark on a programme to qualify as a certified mentor, before being paired with a Receptionist of the Year Finalist or Junior member to mentor and champion in the early stages of their careers.