Feedback from the Jury of Switzerlands Best Receptionist 2021

Author Martina KnitterMentoring Team AICR Switzerland

The Participation at the Competition Switzerland`s best Receptionist is a great opportunity. This has been confirmed in all the years by the candidates.

Pauline Frenzel: “It was really a great experience to be part of the … competition. The workshops were very interesting, and you get to know so many people. It’s really exciting to see how and where other colleagues work.”

But it is more than that… Having the opportunity to compete against the Best Receptionist and with that understand your own value. Most important though is the chance to grow:

  • through the experience of a competition
  • through the Trainings
  • through Feedback from Trainers and Jury.


The Chief of the Jury 2021 Arlette Scheidegger has answered us a few questions on this.

The feedback should help the candidates to understand what they are already doing well and in which areas they could improve. We recommend to work with their manager or mentors on these areas of development. This should motivate them and help them to grow further

How was the feedback collected?

All Jury members were taking notes to all candidates and I have then summarised them. Some points are easy to judge, for example the language skills, solution oriented, listening to details, local and hotel knowledge. Others more difficult like appearance and the solution offered to the problem. At the end, there is no right or wrong.

Was there a general observation?

Yes, the appropriate greeting of the client was missing in various occasion even though this is so important.

How did you structure your feedback?

Firstly, I thanked all candidates for their participation. It was great to see these motivated and talented young receptionist that took the courage to join the AICR Competition.

Then I pointed on their strengths. It is also important to show these as they can built on that areas and sometimes people tent to minimize their success and focus on their needs.

Afterwards, I gave them some suggestion for improvements- calling them the Top Tips for your future performance. This would maybe also answer the question “Why did I not win?”- though I believe all participants were winner.

Closing with good wishes and positive individual remarks on their performance.

Did you receive any reply on your feedback?

Well the letters have been distributed by the AICR Committee but I was informed that some candidates replied, appreciating this and gave some updates on their career development. It is great to hear some participants have already been promoted to supervisor in the meantime.

Meeting with Arlette, Grand Hotel Castagnola, Dec 2021

Feedback is very important and a great opportunity to grow. Though, it is also important how to pass your feedback on to others and how to work with this feedback. As we within the mentoring team believe all this is a key element of success we will publish some further posts on this matter.

If you though have questions in the meantime or any comments, please leave them below.

The full video of the Switzerland’s Best Receptionist 2021 with some details of the Role play you find here.