Dear AICR member,
I would like to seize this occasion to inform you that in 2024 there will be an election for the position of International President of AICR.
The primary objective of the AICR International, also known as the International Committee, is to enhance its members’ and sponsors’ experiences while simultaneously improving its reputation by undertaking various new initiatives and projects. This includes establishing partnerships with suppliers that entail ongoing financial responsibilities. As the scope and obligations of AICR International continue to expand, it becomes increasingly important to strategically plan the transition of leadership from one international president to the next. The current International Committee has successfully executed numerous projects over the past four years and has an exciting line-up of projects planned for the future that will further enhance the Amicale. It should be noted that some of these projects require financial contributions from the membership, thus underscoring the criticality of the International President understanding the full responsibilities associated with their role to ensure seamless continuity in meeting these obligations on behalf of AICR International.
Historically, there have been instances in past elections where the presidential nomination process has had an impromptu nature, catching candidates off guard as the president is determined on the same day. To circumvent this and ensure that all candidates nominated for the presidential election are adequately prepared and well-informed about the responsibilities associated with the role, it is imperative that they have the opportunity to consult with the current committee and establish a proposed executive committee. Consequently, the nomination process commences earlier than the scheduled congress, which is set to take place in Nice in February of the current year. This procedural adjustment was implemented during the election of the International President in Zurich back in 2018, and it has since proven to be highly successful and highly regarded by all members involved.
Kindly recall that as per the Statutes, the individuals standing for the positions of president and vice president(s) must be actively engaged in a front of house management role, with the highest position being that of Hotel Manager. Moreover, they need to be a current member of the Amicale. Consequently, only applications from candidates meeting these requirements will be considered. Additionally, it should be noted that as per the Statutes, the current International President is ineligible to seek re-election for another term.
The submission deadline for applications for the position of International President is 14th February 2024. Please note that any applications received after this deadline will not be considered during the election in Nice.
Please find enclosed the Agenda of the AGM as well as the application form for the position of International President of AICR, covering the period from 2024 to 2026. The International Committee strongly encourages potential candidates to get in touch with Egidio Marcato, the International Councillor, at , in order to obtain comprehensive information and an overview of the current committee roles, responsibilities, and projects before submitting their application. Completed applications should be sent directly to me at
Should you have any queries or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Additional communication regarding the election process will be shared with all members following the aforementioned application deadline.
Kind regards,
Lara Dröge – AICR International Secretay